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How You Can Help:

  1. Send a Complaint about Noise and Light Disturbance to the Port of Vancouver.  Position lights only, no excessive engine noise! The required name of a ship can be looked up at marine traffic websites such as or a local ship monitoring website.
  2. Check for Campaigns at by our umbrella organization South Coast Ship Watch Alliance (SCSWA), or follow NoFreighterAnchorages at social media. We are hard at work together with other islands and coastal communities.
  3. Get Friends and Neighbours to Support the Cause.  Share the Short Link to our website: just type  -  Sign up to our newsletter at


New Fact Sheet:
How anchorages impact Health & Environment

New White Paper: How this anchorage problem can be solved.

Share the Short Link to our website:

New Port Traffic Plans:
Elimination, not Mitigation
of Island Anchorages

In the Southern Gulf Islands, the avoidable annual greenhouse gas emissions by stationary freighters exceeded 50,000 tonnes for the first time in 2020.

Despite the public commitments by the Port of Vancouver to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a carbon-free port by 2050, this pollution problem has been ignored for over a decade and has now grown into extreme proportions.


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